Tuesday 14 July 2009

If someone wants to commit suicide do you help him or do you let him because it’s his choice?

Let me first start by saying this is a very serious subject. When someone is at the point that they are talking about committing suicide, they are in a really bad spot because they can see no other option to their problem other than looking to end their life. This is a very serious, serious matter because there is no do-over. Once you’re dead, you’re dead.

You need to ask yourself in that situation, “What would Jesus do?” I know that Jesus loves all of his Father’s creations; in fact, He loved them so much that he forgave them as they were crucifying Him even though He had the ability to destroy them with a thought.

God doesn’t want any of His children to take their own life. He gave them that life and gave it to them so that they could “have it abundantly.” (John 10:10)

So, what should you do? If it’s a friend, tell them that God doesn’t want them to commit suicide. Tell them that God loves them. Tell them that YOU don’t want them to commit suicide either. If they don’t listen, you need to tell an adult. But, do not help them commit suicide or encourage them! Think about this: if it was your mom or dad talking about committing suicide, would you want someone to encourage them to kill themselves or even help them do it? Or would you rather have them try and stop them from doing it? I know what I’d do.

If there are no parents around and you really feel that your friend is going to commit suicide, my suggestion to you is to call 1-800-SUICIDE, which is the National Suicide Hotline. Remember, it is a recorded line and also has reverse-call capabilities so that if you get disconnected, they will know where the call came from and send police right away.

Oh, and by the way, if you ever feel like committing suicide and feel you have nowhere to turn, that phone number is someplace to go for help. I pray that you are never at that point in your life.

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