Sunday 21 June 2009

Who made God? If God has no beginning, how can he exist?

This is an incredibly good question!

Here is the history that the Bible gives us about God: Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." That’s all we know! When you read the whole Bible and put all the pieces together, basically it looks like God has always been and always will be. I know that’s difficult to understand especially because we think of everything in terms of time. The earth revolves, and we call it a day. The earth goes around the sun, and we call it a year.

But God is different: In the beginning God created everything. When the Bible says “heavens and the earth”, that was a way of saying “everything”, and everything includes … time! God even created time!

The Bible says that God does not have a beginning and an end. He is a spirit. No mom and pop. Just God. Revelation 22:13 says I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Wow!

So if God had no beginning, how can he exist? Your question is very good. The answer is not simple, but the answer the Bible gives us is that God does exists, and that he always did, and that he always will.

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