Sunday 28 June 2009

Is God a man or a woman?

God has chosen to be known as having a male character. Everywhere in the Bible, God is referred to as "Him" and "He." So God wanted people to understand Him as a "Him" and a "He."

What is a little confusing for people is that there are both masculine and feminine names for God. For example, the name of God used to describe God as being just (as in justice) is masculine, while the name of God used to describe God as personal and close is feminine.

Names, especially in ancient days, reflect the attributes of God. Attributes are His qualities and His characteristics. For example, I might act "motherly" to a baby child, cooing and rocking and loving her, but that does not make me a woman. I am still a man; I am just acting motherly. It is the same with God. Images and names of God acting both fatherly and motherly can be found throughout the Bible. God displays a perfect mix of masculine and feminine qualities such as unconditional love, infinite patience, immense strength, and never-ending support!!

God, however, is neither a man nor a woman. He is not physical as we are. Likewise, He does not have a hand or a finger or a face or a back or any other physical part because He is NOT physical. He is Spirit.

What is truly remarkable is that God chose to reveal Himself to us in the person of Jesus Christ, who was born a baby boy and grew to be a man! He has also chosen to be known in the Trinity as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

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