Saturday 13 June 2009

What if you try to talk about Jesus to a friend a whole lot and they just look at you like you are crazy? What would you do?

Good questions! And guess what? There are going to be a lot of people that are going to look at you like you’re crazy when you try to talk to them about Jesus. Many people get really uncomfortable when they talk about Jesus. Think of the reaction Jesus, Himself, got when He was preaching in the various towns! All of the religious leaders looked at Him like He was crazy!

I say this to kids all the time: It’s easy to talk to other Christians about Jesus; it is a whole lot harder to talk to a non-believer about Jesus.

So…now that you know that, what do you do when your friend looks at you like you’re crazy? Let’s look at 1 Peter 3:15, which says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”

Talk to your friend with gentleness and kindness. Tell that person why you believe in Jesus and what Jesus has done for you. But, don’t push it. If they start arguing with you or start treating you like you’re crazy, just back off. Respect their resistance.

Remember, it is not your job to bring someone to Jesus. Your job is to plant seeds or to water some seeds that may have been planted by someone else. I always say that it’s the job of the Holy Spirit to do the “heavy lifting!”

You can also do a lot more by your actions rather than your words. Show your friend by the way you act, they way you talk and the way you treat people what a true follower of Jesus looks like. Believe me, they’ll see how different you are from other people.

By respecting your friend and backing off, you leave the door open for them to ask again. And when they do, you just keep repeating why you believe in Jesus and keep doing it with kindness and respect…in essence, with love! You never know when your friend will feel the power of the Holy Spirit and accept Jesus the way you have!

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