Sunday 14 February 2010

Why don’t we have gum in the “We love you” candies?

I know!!! I love gum too! But, here’s the reason…gum can get to be real messy. Sometimes we get careless with gum and don’t put used gum in the trash and we spit it out on the ground or put it places where it shouldn’t go. We don’t want to be the source of “gum issues.”

We also don’t want kids to accidentally choke on gum by falling asleep in the car on the way home with gum in their mouths. Or even worse, have it fall out of their mouths and into their clothes where it really becomes a mess!

Let’s have fun and blame it on Mr. Alex! He is soooooo eco-friendly, being a mountain climber, that he doesn’t want to leave any trace behind in our environment! So gum, which does not break down and decompose and has this shelf-life of a billion years is a threat to our natural resources! Candy, on the other hand, is eaten and does not damage our very sensitive ecology. Just kidding…it’s really the reason above.

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