Friday 23 October 2009

Did God make the Big Bang? Are both of them on the same page?

In the Book of Genesis, the very first book of the Old Testament, in Chapter 1, verse 1, it says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Despite our best scientific theories, the Bible just does not mention a “Big Bang.” For better or worse, the Bible is not a book of "how" everything came into being. It is a book on "why" everything came into being!

Genesis tells us that God was very deliberate in His creation of the earth in that He spoke it into existence. He knew exactly what He wanted and He created it perfectly.

Did you know that the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun is perfect in that if we were any closer we would burn up and if we were any farther we’d freeze? Did you know that the Earth is tilted on its axis just perfectly? Do you think that just happened by chance?

The question for everyone who grapples with the idea of a “Big Bang” is: what was there before the Big Bang? If that is the start of creation, what created the “Big Bang”? Hmmm…

The Bible is not like a food bar at a cafeteria ....we can’t choose to believe part of the Bible and then not believe another part. All of it is God's Word. This is where faith comes in. Since God and His Word don't contradict, if there is something which appears to be a contradiction (like the Big Bang vs. God speaking creation into existence) then there is a problem with our understanding of science or our understanding of the meaning of Scripture (or both!), but God's Word doesn't contradict itself. As a matter of fact, I'll bet that someday science will have the ability to agree with much more of the Bible than it does now!

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