Monday 24 August 2009

What is the difference between Christians and Mormons?

I have done a lot of reading and research on the differences of Christianity and Mormonism. I have also spoken with a number of Mormons who have come to my door, and I know many kids (some in our class) who have some Mormon faith in their background.

I have discovered there are many differences. These differences are very important because they involve what we believe about God, Jesus, the Bible, salvation, and heaven. Below is a comparison of some of the differences. I hope this chart helps you.

The Bible is God’s Word (2 Tim 3:16).

The Bible is not the final word of God.

God is Spirit and the one and only God (Is. 43:10).

The Father has a body of flesh and bones. There are many gods. Humans can eventually become a god.

Jesus is both man and God (John 1:1, 14) and God’s only son (John 3:16).

Jesus is created by the father (a separate being) and is a spirit brother to Lucifer (the devil).

Salvation is a free gift provided by God’s grace for all who believe in Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross (Rom. 3:22-24).

Salvation comes from faith, good works & meeting church requirements.

Those who put their trust in Jesus will spend eternity in heaven with God
(John 14:1-4).

Most of mankind will enter one of three levels of heaven. The highest level is reserved for Mormons.

Here are three of the websites I looked at that I thought were helpful, you might want to look at them with your mom and dad. They provide a lot of information.

Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (This is the Mormon / Latter Day Saints Page):

Mormon Research Ministry (This site challenges the claims of Mormons):

Mormon (This site really digs deep into your question about the differences):

I know this is a lot of information, so start with the chart I made you, and then have some discussions with your mom and dad. If you really start digging deeper, keep asking questions!!

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