Sunday 24 April 2011

Where did Noah put the poop of the animals?

Wow. That is a very interesting question! The truth is that the Bible doesn’t really say. But, we do have a few ideas …

Prior to the Great Flood, there is no clear indication in the Bible that animals ate meat or were violent and vicious. In fact, God commanded Noah to load the ark with every kind of food which is edible for his family and for the animals (Genesis 6:21). Since they didn’t eat meat, they likely ate fruits and vegetables. Not everyone agrees about all this, but let’s go with it for this question.

It wasn’t after the flood that man apparently was allowed to eat meat (Genesis 9:2-3) And, God commanded that animals were then also allowed to meat. God warned the animals, however, that if they ate a human, they would have to answer to God for it (Genesis 9:5).

So, because animals and man did not eat meat prior to the flood, their poop wasn’t contaminated with blood (the Bible calls it “lifeblood “) and probably not any other biological impurities either.

So, having said that, (and I am completely guessing here) they probably did two things with the poop: 1) They threw the excess poop overboard into the water were it degraded naturally; or 2) they used it as fertilizer for their plants and crops to grow additional fruits and vegetables!

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