Friday 29 October 2010

How do we know that God created life and the universe if there was no one to witness it?

To help answer this question, let’s make a comparison by looking at police detective work. Let’s say we were detectives investigating a missing persons case and we convicted a suspect of a murder because a bunch of evidence showed up, even though we never found the victim’s body! Could we do that? Can we say someone killed somebody when we don’t have a body?

We can do it because of the circumstantial evidence that is around and by statements made by people involved. Then, when we weigh all of the evidence and measure it up against any witness statements, we make a determination to see if it makes sense. If everything lines up, we can make a case. But, to make sure, it takes a jury of 12 people to decide if all of the evidence, circumstances and witness statements make sense and, even then, the jury must take a step of faith and say, “Well, I believe this is the way it happened.”

That’s how we treat the Bible and the story of creation. We look at all the evidence presented in the Old Testament and New Testament. We listen to the statements of people like Moses, Abraham, King David, Solomon, the prophets and Jesus. We read the accounts of Jesus in the Gospels and read Paul’s letters and the writings of the Disciples. Then we look at all the corroborating evidence and the circumstantial evidence. Once we do all of that, we still have to take a step of faith and say, “Does that make sense? Is it more likely than not that that’s the way it happened?”

If we can truly believe that all the evidence and corroborating statements are true, even though there was no witness during the time of creation (although I disagree with you, there was witness and His name is Jesus), then we must believe that’s the way it happened.

Will we ever know for sure? Will we ever have 100% certainty that God created the earth and the universe the way it’s described in the Bible? Well, not while we’re here on earth. But I can assure you that the answer will be “yes” when we get to Heaven. Then, we will see that the account written in the Holy Bible, a book that is “God-breathed,” is 100% true.

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