Wednesday 21 July 2010

When did unwholesome words come into the world? If Adam and Eve were Christians why did they come up with those words?

Awesome questions! Wow, you really like to stretch my brain, don’t you??? Well, the answer is that unwholesome words entered into this world when sin entered the world. Remember, “unwholesome words” just aren’t swear words. It’s anytime you say something that can be hurtful to others or that hurts the heart of God, such as taking His name in vain.

Look at what Ephesians 4:29 has to say about unwholesome words: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” As Christians, we are supposed to speak in a way that helps people according to their needs not make them feel worse.

Let me try and give you a real life example. Let’s say you’re really good at a video game and a friend comes over and wants to play it. Let’s say that friend is absolutely terrible at the video game and keeps losing. The unwholesome way to speak to that friend would be to say, “Give me that controller! You stink!!! I’ve never seen someone play this game as badly as you just did!” That does nothing to build up your friend. You didn’t curse at him but you said he stunk. The Christ Follower would say, “It’s okay … it’s a hard game to play but I know, with practice, you’ll get better.”

Now, regarding the second part of your question, I don’t know what kind of words Adam and Even came up with but, if they did come up with bad words, it’s because of the sin that entered the world. I’m fairly certain they did not invent many of the curse words we hear so often today but because of their sin, that has been passed on throughout the ages we, human beings, have invented inappropriate and unwholesome words to say.

Remember what happened immediately after Adam and Eve bit into the apple? Their eyes were opened and they realized they were naked. (Genesis 3:7) Right then and there, sin entered into the world. Adam and Eve even hid from God because of what they had done. I can only imagine what they were saying to each other too; it was probably the first time unwholesome words were spoken in the Garden of Eden. I’m not saying Adam all of a sudden started cussing but I bet he looked right at Eve and said something like, “Boy, that sure was dumb … thanks a lot!” Again, not using cuss words but certainly not using words to build her up. Of course, we don’t know what was said but we do know that from that point, sin was in the world and it is that original sin that perpetuates unwholesome words today.

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