Friday 11 June 2010

Why does God let us do things he knows we will do?

Wow, that is an awesome question! Let me start by answering your question with a question. Why does God let us do things that He knows are bad? Here’s why: Because God gives us “free will.” God could easily control every aspect of our lives, if He wanted. He could have created a world without sin, wars, sickness or death and made a world where everyone was blissfully happy without having a care in the world.

But, if that were the case, what meaning would love have? If God “made” us love Him then what value is there in being in love? If God forced us to think or act only the way He wanted, what sort of life would we have? How good would we know something is good if we didn’t have a “bad” to contrast it with?

God gave us the ability to make our own choices even though He knows every choice we’ve made and will make. And, He gives us the ability to make both good and bad choices. Think about it, by giving us this “free will” it gives so much more value to love! The reason is because it’s now a choice instead of being forced on us.

Also, when you make a bad choice, there are consequences to that choice. God wants you to recognize those consequences and then make that conscious decision to not make that bad choice again. As you grow and mature and begin making wise choices, you will become more like the person God wants you to be because you will be more of a representation of God’s character.

If you ever want to know what God’s character is, look no further than the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22)

When you do things freely, that honor God, and mirror God’s character, He will honor and bless you!

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