Wednesday 2 December 2009

If God was made somehow, could he have been made from the planets somehow or the universe?

Well, that’s a very interesting question! Unfortunately, in order to answer it, we have to make an assumption that God was somehow created. And, we know, through Scripture, that God is not a created being. God has always been here, is here now, and will be here forever. In fact, God created the Earth and the Heavens and the universe and the planets.

I know that seems hard to understand. Many Biblical scholars have tried for years to try and answer or explain it in a way that makes some sort of sense to us. But, there are just some things that go beyond explanation … things that only God, the Father, knows. And, this is where faith comes in.

There are just some things in the Bible that we must accept as truth even if we can’t completely understand it or explain it. And we accept them based on a faith that God is who He says He is and has the ability to do the improbable. I mean … how do we explain that the Earth is exactly the right distance from the sun so that we either don’t burn up or that we don’t freeze up? How do we explain the tilt and the rotation of the earth is just right and that one rotation equals one day and one night? How do explain why you and I breathe air but fish breathe water? How do we explain how a holy and perfect God can come to earth as Jesus and live among us in this sinful world and then go willingly to the cross and die for us so that we could live forever?

There are so many other examples of God’s greatness that we just can’t explain but we know them to be true.

So, could He have been made from the planets or the universe? Absolutely not.

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