Thursday 5 November 2009

If Jesus was born, who gave birth to God?

Okay, so this is one of those questions where the answer is so confusing it sometimes even makes me scratch my head and say, “Huh???” But, here is the answer in the simplest way that I can describe it:

God is infinite, which means He has always existed and he will always exist. He is eternal. He, therefore, doesn’t have an age or a birthday.

Let me try and explain it like this, time is a measurement of physical change. But, time has only existed since the creation of the universe. Let’s look at Genesis 1:1, the very first book and chapter of the Bible. It says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” So, we can say that time started with this creation, right? We can start a timeline based on this sentence, couldn’t we?

But, we also know from this sentence that God was BEFORE the creation of the heavens and the earth. That means that God is timeless. And, because He is timeless, He is not physical and is not confined to physical change. Say what?!?!?

Also, try and imagine this…God is perfect, which means he can’t get any better or any worse. He NEVER changes. God has always been absolutely perfect.

So, if we take that statement to its conclusion, whatever God says is right is right and whatever God says is wrong is wrong. True right and wrong is, therefore, timeless!!!

Ouch, my brain hurts.

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